Shinganda Copper-Gold Project
The Shinganda Project is located in Western Zambia, just outside the game management area of the Kafue National Park. The project is prospective for deposits of copper and gold associated with IOCG (Iron Oxide Copper Gold) mineral deposits that have the potential to transition to small scale high-grade or bulk tonnage lower grade, near-term mine production. The licence has received very little historical exploration to date, with the main structural feature, the west-northwest Gerhard Trend open to a new interpretation aided by modern geophysical methodology.
The Company holds a 51% interest in a joint venture agreement covering the Shinganda Copper-Gold Project, comprising Large Scale Exploration Licence No. 22990-HQ-LEL.
The Company can increase its interest by entering into a Joint Venture to develop a mining operation, ranging from 65% interest for a large deposit of greater than 1Mt of contained copper equivalent, up to an 85% interest in a smaller deposit of less than 200,000 tonnes of contained copper equivalent.
The main feature of interest is the west-northwest Gerhard Trend and associated structures which extends for at least 12km through the project area. This trend is marked by a strong magnetic linear high coincident with an intermittent zone of silicified hematite and magnetite bedrock containing copper and gold at several places along its length, the Shinganda prospect of interest is situated mid-way along this trend. There are other strong magnetic features on the licence which reflect shallow intrusive rocks, perhaps related to the Hook Granite, suggesting a potential IOCG (iron oxide-copper-gold) setting for the mineralisation seen in the region.
Best results from historical exploration completed on the property by Vale S.A include a 2m drill hole interval assaying at 3.93% Cu and 1.72g/t Au, and up to 10.45% Cu and 11 g/t Au reported from grab samples taken in an exploration pit in the south of the property.
Best results completed by the company to-date at the Shinganda prospect include intercepts of up to 50.3m @ 1.54% Cu from 21m downhole depth in drill hole SHDD002, and a peak of 33.90 g/t Au returned from a composite grab sample in an exploration pit.